About this site. Gives some insight into what I use to build this site and what my philosophies about it, and websites in general, are.
APC UPS CS-650 review. A review of the APC UPS CS-650 (almost identical to CS-350 and CS-500).
Backing up a Unix(-like) system. Describes in detail what you need to know and watch out for when backing up a Unix(-like) system, like Linux.
Migrations in MySQL. Database version/migration management can be a pain, especially when it doesn't support transactional DDL statements. This article describes a simple but good way to have reliable migrations on MySQL, which is one such database.
PostgreSQL migrations in Rails. Ever felt like Ruby on Rails' built-in migration system interferes with your PostgreSQL database?
SQL joins are easy. A short article explaining that SQL joins are actually very simple.
Surround sound in Linux. Shows what's needed to get surround sound working properly for games and movies on Linux.
Why power failures are bad for your data. Explains what happens to your computer when there is a power failure, and what possible effect it has on data integrity.